Practifi Gewürztraminer Release Notes

Gewürztraminer (or Gewürz for short) is an aromatic, slightly-sweet white wine with a distinctive aroma of lychees and spices. A perfect companion with spicy foods or aromatic cheeses. Lovely though the wine is, it can’t compete with the array of product improvements & new integration capabilities in this Practifi release.

We’ve introduced an exciting range of enhancements to Practifi, based both on feedback we’ve received from our clients, as well as bright ideas we’ve had ourselves. Gewürztraminer allows you to understand complex client networks easily with Structures, obtain up-to-date portfolio information from new partners, add a personal touch to your Feed communication with advanced formatting & mentioning capabilities, as well as many more features that help you to run a more efficient & effective business.

As always, feel free to get in touch to learn more.

Practifi Gewürztraminer will be deployed from 28 January 2019.

Key Enhancements

Visualise relationships between Practifi records with the new ‘Structure’ tab on the Basics page for Clients & Divisions. Client records display the structure of networked Households & Entities, while Divisions show the organisational hierarchy for your company.

Enjoy a rich text editor for improved formatting and editing options as well as improved topic capabilities and @ mention capabilities. You can now also @mention groups and receive notifications when groups you are a member of receive a new post.

New integration capabilities with our partners Addepar and Envestnet Tamarac, as well as enhancements to our existing integration with Orion. Gain a unified view of all client assets, holdings and portfolio performance, all from within Practifi. 

  • Envestnet Tamarac Integration: Allows you to keep your Practifi Client, People & Asset records in sync with Tamarac Households, Clients & Accounts, as well as providing deep links from Practifi directly into Tamarac records.
  • Addepar Integration: Keep your Practifi Assets & Holdings in sync with Addepar’s Accounts & Holdings.
  • Orion Integration Enhancements: The ‘Orion Links & Insights’ page on Client & Client Entity records allows you to access Orion records and features easily, as well as view Orion Insight dashboard. Also an ‘Orion Connect’ link has been added to the User menu to allow quick navigation to the Orion Connect Salesforce application.

Additional Enhancements

Egnyte Integration

A document management solution with enterprise-grade security compliance & infrastructure, Egnyte is now available as an integration option. Folders for your clients are automatically created and made visible within Practifi, allowing you to easily manage their files.

Task / Process Assignment by Relationship to Client 

Previously, tasks created by processes could only be assigned to the owner of the client record in Practifi. Now, tasks can be assigned to people based on their relationship with a Client, e.g. an Administrative Assistant.

Allocate Tasks to Multiple Users
You can now allocate a copy of the same task to multiple users at the same time. The tasks can be ad hoc or based on a task template. You can access this feature from the ‘Bulk Create Tasks’ menu item in the Launcher.

More Recurrence Options for Recurring Tasks
When setting up a recurring task you can skip recurrences. Previously recurring tasks could only be set up as weekly, monthly or annually. Now they can be set up to skip recurrences, e.g. every 2 weeks (fortnightly) or every 3 months (quarterly), etc.

Manually Add Client Scope

By default, Practifi automatically copies the Advice Scope from Division to Client when creating a new client or editing an existing one. You’re now able to manually add Advice Scope to client records based on the list recorded at division level.

New Client Entity Person Role

New Role and Relationship Types for Entity Person records allow you to distinguish between person records associated with a client and those associated with a client entity. Where a person is associated with both, the client relationship will take priority when displaying a hierarchy i.e. the client will show as the parent record.

Insurance Policies for Superannuation Member Accounts

A list of linked Insurance policies can now be displayed for member accounts.

Spell Check in Tasks & Process Descriptions

The Description field for processes, tasks and recurring tasks now have a spell checker (settings based on your native browser spell checker).

Global Search for Assets

You can now search for assets or liabilities using the account number via the global search.
Settings for Fact Find: A new option to enable or disable Fact Find selection in the Client header.

Add Prospect to Relationship Formulae

The new ‘Prospect’ context has been added to the ‘Relationship To’ and ‘Relationship From’ formulae.

You’ll begin to see our exciting new branding appear throughout Practifi. Practifi’s new icon will show in your browser tab and “PractiFI” has been reformatted to “Practifi”.

Minor Layout and Formatting Changes

Various tweaks, adjustments and fixes including:

  • Extended Ctrl + S keyboard shortcut to save config settings.
  • Added ‘Insured’ field and modified the underlying data model of insurance benefits to streamline the data entry flow.
  • Tasks and Interactions of the child record will no longer display on the parent where the parent-child relationship is between Clients (Households). Note that where the child is a Client Entity rather than a Client, Tasks and Interactions will display.
  • Modified the client header so that the second row of tags doesn’t clip.
  • Updated the header in feed for assets & liabilities to display the record name rather than the auto-number.
  • Added some default reference values for syndicates.
  • Resolved inconsistencies between the Person Add and Person Edit pages.
  • Updated Calendar colour selection so that an Admin can amend colours for all users, other users can only change their own.
  • Removed retirement age field from person entity pages.
  • Updated drop-down lists of Providers to cater for a larger number of Providers. Was truncating previously.
  • Minor changes to client 360 page so that ‘Recent Interactions’ will display interactions in the past from a date/time of ‘now’. ‘Appointments’ will show all Meeting and Phone interactions either ‘now’ or in the future.
  • Fixed an error where selecting ‘Add Syndicate’ opened the instalment page in error.
  • Minor changes to Data Management Interactions page to prevent ‘apex heap size too large’ errors.
  • Fixed an issue where dismissing notifications would cause a 3rd party plugin to be removed from the page.
  • Resolved an issue the interaction type was showing as a mandatory field where none were defined for the interaction method when adding an event to Calendar.
  • Made changes to a date calendar popup to prevent an error ‘Unable to render embedded object’.
  • Fixed an issue on Client Basics page for US orgs Source was not linking to Referral.
  • Fixed an issue where Google Maps was not displaying the location of the division.
  • Resolved an issue where Google Calendar was still running after leaving the calendar.
  • Removed the field validation message when deleting a record.
  • Fixed an issue on Client Edit where the user was redirected back to the same page on cancel.
  • Updated map of ‘Client by Location’ to show the US for US clients.
  • Fixed issues with the Bulk Launch wizards where lists for employers / clients and advice services / member accounts were not filtering correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where setting the ‘Task Due Date Basis’ to ‘Process Due Date’ and a Default Duration of 0 would not calculate the due dates of tasks correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where mass update of Advice Scope under Compliance would duplicate Scope items.
  • Fixed a problem where the Relationship field on Client People could be left blank even though it is mandatory.
  • Fixed an issue where Bulk Launch Processes was not working with member account.
  • Fixed an issue where Cancel would return to a page with no default fields completed.
  • For Addepar integrations, the URL was displaying Client Id rather than Service Id.
  • Minor bug fixes for Black Diamond integrations.
  • Fixed an issue where pushing data to Xero would cause an ‘uncommitted work pending’ error.
  • Skuid Update: Skuid has not been upgraded for this release.
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