Practifi Lagrein Release Notes
Lagrein (pronounced lah-GRAH’EEN or lah-GRINE) is an ancient red wine grape variety native to the valleys of South Tyrol in northern Italy near the borders with Austria and Switzerland (hence the German pronunciation).
Lagrein is strong and full bodied, which makes it the perfect label for this latest Practifi release!
We’ve introduced an exciting range of enhancements to Practifi, incorporating the great feedback we receive from our valued clients. Plus we’ve refined much of what you already know and love on the platform.
As always, feel free to get in touch to learn more.
Practifi Lagrein was deployed from 20 September 2018.
Key Enhancements
Additional Enhancements
New Font Awesome version 5.1 Pro version
Icons across Practifi have been refreshed to take advantage of the hundreds of new icons available for use from Font Awesome. Don’t forget you can choose your own icons from Practifi Settings / Menu Items. If you have any custom menus or pages you should review the icons to ensure they still display correctly.
Extension to the Orion Integration
Orion Dashboards and Report links are available on the Practifi page taking you directly to the Orion Dashboards & Reports page.
Extension to the Midwinter Integration
Various fixes and extensions to the integration between Midwinter and Practifi:
- Liabilities are now included in the sync from Midwinter to Practifi.
- The stage / status of Assets and Holdings are now included in the sync from Midwinter to Practifi.
- Recommended assets are excluded from the sync from Midwinter to Practifi
- Portfolio Holding Type categories for Pension and Superannuation assets are also synced from Midwinter.
- Closed / canceled Lifestyle Assets are excluded from the Practifi to Midwinter sync.
- Assets, Liabilities or Policies deleted from Midwinter that were previously synced to Practifi have their stage / status set to ‘Inactive’ instead of deleting the record.
Standard Occupation Codes
The Occupation Class category field has been extended to include the whole of the ANZSCO list (Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations) to provide a standardised (and much wider) range of available occupations. Only provided by default to new clients. Let your Customer Success Manager know if you would also like to adopt the ANZSCO list.
Email Format Display in Interactions
Interactions created directly from emails (e.g. from an email integration) will retain their source formatting when displayed as an Interaction in Practifi.
Risk Profile in Client Basics
The Risk Profile questionnaire page is now also available in Client context (currently only in Fact Find). A menu item for a Client Basics subtab has been added but is not active by default.
Risk Profile Questionnaire Extension
The Risk Profile Questionnaire has been extended to a maximum of 15 questions and answers (up from 10).
Show Total Revenue at Client Level
Rollup from Instalments to Clients of annual revenue. Can select either “Last 12 Months” or “Financial Year to Date”. Defaults to Last 12 Months. A scheduled job needs to be set to trigger the rollup.
Changes to Account Division Trigger
The Division (Practice) of a Client is automatically inherited from the Primary Division of the Client Owner (Team Member) but can now be overridden. This means you can have team members with clients across divisions different to their own Primary Division. To override the Division settings we have made the Division field editable on the edit pages for Client, Provider, Employer, Client Entity, Service, Process, Task and Interaction.
Time Entry Enhancements
Time entries have been extended to cover additional areas – Assets, Liabilities, Policies, Providers, Member Accounts and Employers
New Interaction Page for Mobile
New Interaction page for Mobile phone plus some minor tweaks to existing pages.
Data Management Improvements
New Data Management pages are available across a range of areas and objects with a much wider range of filters and fields than the standard list pages:
- Client Entities – New Data Management page showing a list of client entities (e.g. SMSFs, Companies, Trusts etc.)
- Holdings – A new Data Management page displaying the underlying investment holdings of data-fed assets.
- Advice – A new Data Management page showing a list of advice documents (e.g. SoA, RoA).
- Stage History – A new Data Management page displaying the history of changes to the Stage of Clients, Employers, Services, Policies, Benefits, Processes and Tasks.
- Advice Scope – A new multi-select filter for Advice Scope on the Client Data Management page.
- Division filter no longer defaults to the Primary Division of the running user.
- Batch Number and Record ID are included in all CSV table data extracts to assist when re-loading data.
Client Entities added to Fact Find
Client Entities such as SMSFs, Companies and Trusts have been added to the ‘About Your Family’ section of Fact Find.
Edit/Delete of Recurring Tasks
View and edit any recurring task series from shared tasks lists (by clicking the ‘Recurring Tasks’ icon) or from individual tasks (by selecting the ‘View/Edit Series’ button)’.
Updates to the Client 360 Page
Various tweaks and improvements to the Client 360 page:
- Revenue has been added as a headline number. From Practifi Settings you can choose to calculate Revenue either as ‘Last 12 Months’ (rolling 12 months by day) or ‘Financial Year to Date’. An Apex Schedule job needs to be set to enable the calculation.
- Review, Opt-In and FDS dates will display for Ongoing Service Packages.
- Net Worth has been removed as a headline number.
Additional Service Interval Periods
Any number of months can be added to the picklist values for Service Review Interval, Statement (FDS) Interval and Renewal (Opt-In) Interval.
Added Retirement Age
Retirement age has been added as a field to Person Basics and Fact Find Personal Info. Note this was a pre-existing field but is a different field to the Your Needs / Retirement Planning question field in Fact Find.
Priority Column added to Task List
An additional column for Priority has been added to the Task list.
Skuid Update
Skuid has been upgraded to the latest Millau version for this release to take advantage of various enhancements and fixes.
Minor layout and formatting changes
Various tweaks, adjustments and fixes such as:
- Various tweaks for display of margins, font weights, font sizes, search boxes, field labels, hyperlinks, scroll bars, alignments, capitalisation etc.
- Tidy up of subtab configuration in Menu Items.
- Searching Member Account in Global Search will also return the Member Account Number.
- Analytics: Under Advice Over Time labelling and polish issues.
- Added Icon Name field for Interaction Methods.
- Hierarchy in left hand navigation now correctly displayed for Task and Interaction Time Entries.
- Updated some spelling errors in Data Management / Tasks filters.
- Updated the address display logic in Client Header so it will show the Client location address unless blank, in which case it will display the Primary Contact mailing address.
- Updated the logic for populating relationship start dates so that it will only auto-populate for referral relationships.
- Fixed a display issue for benefit amount to only show 2 decimal places.
- ‘Send to MW’ is no longer enabled in the Client Header if there is no Midwinter integration.
- Fixed an error with Global Search where recent searches were not being returned.
- Fixed a problem with Global Search where clicking too quickly erased the search entry.
- Updated the Person list in Team Member context so that it only shows people where the Team Member is the owner.
- Fixed an issue where Person age was sometimes calculated incorrectly on their birthday.
- Assets and Liabilities for Client Entities were not displaying in Client or Client Entity contexts.
- Resolved an issue with Send SMS function in the SMS Magic page.
- Fixed an issue in Firefox where the Feed Attachment paper clip was not displayed.
- Resolved an issue where the pencil icon had to be clicked twice to edit a record from a list view.
- Resolved page refresh issues with the Asset and Liability list pages.
- Updated the Member Basics page as the incorrect field was being displayed for balance.
- Fixed an issue where 10 Risk Profile Questionnaire questions were displayed even when less than 10 were defined.
- Fixed an issue where the Launcher Menu would not collapse when clicking away.
- Fixed an issue where you could not nominate the person insured on a Benefit without saving and re-opening.