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Introducing: The New Microsoft 365 Sync

By Finn Gilbert
PRoduct marketing

Email and calendar tools enable external communication and planning which are the primary ways to connect with partners and customers outside of an organization. Over 1 million companies use Microsoft Outlook worldwide; for advisory teams these tools are imperative.

However, most wealth management firms allow these activities to happen in tools that aren’t integrated with core platform technology. As a result, businesses waste valuable time manually logging data, are more susceptible to making mistakes and aren’t able to report on their team’s usage.

Practifi’s new Microsoft 365 Sync offers enterprise level Outlook email communication as well as event synchronization through automation. With Practifi’s unified workspace, this sync increases advisor productivity,  simplifies data capture and gives managers the ability to track productivity and usage.

Increase advisor efficiency

For most wealth management firms, email inboxes and calendar schedules aren’t integrated into their technology stacks. Switching between platforms to manually log emails and events is inefficient and time consuming for advisors. Instead of manually logging data, advisors should be focusing on their busy day to day tasks, having intuitive technology that cuts these unnecessary tasks out of their day. Practifi offers a solution to this by syncing both email and calendar events from Outlook to Practifi, saving time everyday for advisors and therefore increasing efficiency.

Advisors can set up incoming emails and events preferences, eliminating the need for manual entry.

Emails and events are automatically synchronized and matched with people in your Practifi instance, no intervention necessary from the beginning. Filter out unnecessary activities by only bringing in selected, relevant email and event information into Practifi. As a result, advisory teams can spend more time focusing on their clients instead of manually recording emails and events.

Simplifies data capture

There are several Outlook integration options available, however they’re either expensive, require users to manually push emails and events into the system or don’t retain data history long enough to be useful. Leaving manual data transfer to individuals is likely to cause discrepancies, as mistakes are easy to make. Practifi’s automatic Microsoft 365 Sync simplifies email and event data capture and even allows attachments to be brought in and stored, crucial for compliance purposes.

Reduce manual data entry by automatically syncing emails and events from Outlook to Practifi, including attachments.

Whether your advisory teams live in Outlook or Practifi, it’s essential to have easy inbox and calendar access. Microsoft 365 Sync makes it easier for teams to view calendar and inbox data by automatically syncing events and emails from Outlook and matching them to the corresponding record(s) in Practifi. Attachments are automatically brought into Practifi with their relevant email conversations, allowing advisors to go back and access any relevant client conversations. With the Microsoft 365 Sync, you can simplify data capture between the two platforms and reduce compliance risk for your firm.

Track team productivity and usage

Monitoring your team to ensure they are conducting themselves appropriately is imperative as 80% of workers are expected to work 3 or more days remotely. Due to siloed technology, managers can’t track and gain meaningful, actionable insights. As a result, advisors may not be working productively or mistakenly spend a majority of their time with one client, while others are neglected; harming valuable relationships. Practifi allows managers to access these key insights into advisor productivity and usage by tracking and storing this information.

Easily view collated activity and advisor email and event data in comprehensive reports, allowing managers to track productivity. 

By storing and tracking this data, managers can keep an eye on productivity, viewing reports such as the number of tasks and activities completed by each individual advisor, how many times users are logging on, etc. Practifi’s Microsoft 365 sync enables managers to sync and store this data for any desired duration, allowing them to see productivity trends over time. Through reportable and actionable data, managers are able to gain insights into team productivity and usage, giving them deeper understanding on how their teams are working.

Interested in learning more?

Email and calendar are regarded as the most valuable tools to facilitate company growth, however, when your email and schedules aren’t integrated with the rest of your technology stack inefficiencies and problems occur. The Microsoft 365 sync increases advisor productivity, simplifies data capture and gives managers the ability to track productivity and usage within Practifi.

To learn more about how your firm can use the Microsoft 365 sync, reach out to a member of our team for a demo or view our integrations page and see all of the integrations that are available to create your ideal tech stack.

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